Export your goods or parcels to Canada and enjoy up to 70% off with ParcelBroker’s trusted affiliates. Compare rates and get the cheapest shipping to Canada today.
Our best value deal for shipping to Canada comes from DPD. Despite being our cheapest option, your parcel will be delivered to Canada from as quick as 1 business day and includes tracking. Simply drop it to your local collection point, or arrange collection from your home or business.
Service Name: "DPD: Lite"
From £14.39 including £25 transit cover*
Compare our best prices and deals for exports to Canada here. ParcelBroker will provide you with exclusive deals from couriers to get your parcel from A to B, as cheaply, efficiently, and safely as possible.
*£25 Extended liability cover is included on all services with the option to purchase instant additional cover up to £1000. Business users will also be invited to receive goods in transit insurance quotes for consignments exceeding £1000 in value prior to their goods being collected.
Save cash per kilo, when you choose ParcelBroker. We can save you up to 70% on your shipping costs thanks to our partnerships with top international couriers.
FedEx | DSV | DHL | TNT | UPS | DPD | |
0.5kg | £32.49 | £30.74 | £33.30 | £33.66 | £32.47 | £14.39 |
1kg | £35.77 | £33.35 | £38.07 | £36.51 | £35.12 | £21.66 |
5kg | £59.85 | £55.92 | £61.38 | £60.56 | £64.77 | £ |
10kg | £91.42 | £82.32 | £98.38 | £91.48 | £87.93 | £ |
15kg | £125.17 | £97.46 | £123.85 | £113.36 | £109.17 | £ |
20kg | £151.58 | £110.66 | £149.30 | £135.39 | £130.39 | £ |
25kg | £153.35 | £123.61 | £200.51 | £157.48 | £153.45 | £ |
Prices as of March 25, 2025
You can save up to 70% when booking through our trusted courier comparison service, you can also enjoy £25 liability cover with every delivery.
ParcelBroker are the highest rated courier comparison service on Trustpilot, check out our great customer reviews to find out for yourself!
Register with us for a streamlined delivery process. Sending your parcel to Canada has never been easier.
You can contact our trusted team for help and guidance as a first time sender, we are also on hand to answer any questions you may have as a returning customer.
Canada is subject to both international export laws and its own laws as set out by the Canada Border Services. To ensure that your goods are suitable for export, please consult the Government of Canada website for specific information on the items you are sending.
Prohibited items - include items that are commonly illegal internationally, in addition to items specifically controlled by Canada’s border forces. Carriers also have their own lists of prohibited and restricted items, too – so be sure to check these before shipping.
Restricted items - will only be admitted into Canada when following the legal restrictions are followed. This means an error in paperwork, or missing documents, may result in your package being seized.
Here are some examples of items that are prohibited and restricted in export to Canada. You can find the Universal Postal Union’s full list of prohibited and restricted items, here.
Address labels must be clear and free of spelling errors. As part of our trusted service, ParcelBroker will provide you with labels upon creation of your order.
Food will need to be sent in its original packaging, with ingredients clearly stated on the label. Food sent to Canada must also have a shelf life of at least 6 months.
With ParcelBroker, you can ship parcels up to 50 kg in weight via couriers such as UPS, DHL and FedEx.
Get a quote using the weight and dimensions of your heavy parcel for more information.
Exports to Canada may be subject to the Goods and Services Tax (GST), unless listed as an exemption.
Find more information on how to clear Canadian customs, here.
ParcelBroker offers shipping to Canada starting from just £14.39. Explore our Economy and Express Shipping options, and our Complete Shipping to Canada Guide.
Is your parcel’s destination in a remote location in Canada? You may need to pay an additional charge to help get your parcel there safely. Find more information here.
At ParcelBroker, we pride ourselves on providing trustworthy international shipping at affordable prices. We ship to over 220 countries, working with the best couriers to help our customers send parcels safely. Whether it's a personal package for a friend or family member, or a business managing multiple shipments – Find out how ParcelBroker can help you.
ParcelBroker is the highest-rated courier comparison site on Trustpilot and ranked #1 in the "Shipping & Postal Service" category. See what some of our previous customers thought, here!