Postcode Address Lookup Tool

Easy, Fast, Free.

Know a postcode but need to find an exact address to send your parcel/pallet to? Not a problem.

Simply enter your email address and postcode below and our handy lookup tool will bring a list of addresses back that are associated with that particular postcode.

Ensure your parcel, pallet or document gets to the correct destination on time, every time.


Why is the postcode lookup tool not bringing back any results?

Please make sure any postcode entered are correctly formatted. Here are some example formats: A1 2BB, A11 2BB, AA1 2BB, AA11 2BB.

Why do you need my email address?

Your email address is used to stop abuse of the tool (10 lookups per day, per person). Your data will not be sold on to third parties, however, we may use this data to contact you about ParcelBroker deals and offers.

Free Address Lookup

What next?

Now you have the correct address why not get a quote today with ParcelBroker? It takes two seconds and could save you up to 60% when compared to going direct with a carrier!

Hit the button below and enter the destination along with your weight and dimensions and get an instant quote today to see how much you could save.